Monday, November 23, 2009


Alternately, sometimes The Flippin' terrifying men sends emails. Here is one I got:

"Pursuing the part about your job issues I felt called to share my experience in meeting people through my career. I used to sing professionally in Vegas. The show was 'Napolean Dynamite on Ice'. Unfortunately, the show ended up getting canceled after an accident involving a unicorn and a rainbow so I had go to my fall back career as a lawyer:( I now had to rely on talking to people as opposed to just saying 'Vote for Pedro' and then doing the Harlem Shake. "

As a btw there is another category of man on here. Men with pictures of big cats. Baby,adults, lions, cheetahs, tigers. Why yes, they are prevalent enough to warrant their own category. I begin to think myself uneducated and inexperienced as I have never petted anything bigger than a house cat. The second most prevalent pictures are sky-diving pics. Every man on has petted big cats and jumped out of planes.

Incidentally, a shrink wrote to me and he has no profile picture because he said that he does not want his clients to see him. Explains a lot, I think. I almost wrote to him and said that I think I have met several of his patients,and if they weren't, could I refer them? But I decided that that would be in bad taste.........

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