Saturday, February 20, 2010

speed dating

Since I have yet to decide which side of the her/his gravestone I want to be buried on, I went speed dating instead.

So surreal. I went with a friend of mine and her two friends. So 4/12 of us were together. I was one station away from my friend and when it came up, I told them we were together. The girls told me afterward that I had broken the first rule of speed dating, do not talk about speed dating.

In passing, the first guy I spent 7 minutes with was a Greek from Athens. If I was superstitious, I would say that as a bad sign. Anyways, he joined the side of my detractors, there were less guys than girls and he ended up back at my station and rather than enduring another 7 minutes than me, he ran. No really, he sprinted and everyone looked at us. It. was. awesome.

Other than that, most of the guys were loony, but we have all had enough of making fun of loony guys, lets talk about the the nice guys. There were four out of fourteen guys that the four of us all agreed were the best by a lot. We all put them on our list. They all put us on theirs.

I am now supposed to go on dates with guys who I know are dating other girls, who I know. My friend even has the same name as me. The guy we both agreed was the best of the lot sent me an email and as I read it I thought to myself:
"I wonder if he just copied and pasted this to both of us. He wouldn't even have to change the name."
This does not work for me. I do not believe in astrology, but if I did, I would blame my jealous possessiveness on my scorpio sign.

The moral of the story is, do not go speed dating with one's friends. Go alone. And more importantly, never wear your favorite earrings. I lost one of mine, and few men are worth the loss of one's favorite earrings.

Ps, The guy I liked second best chose my friend and not me. Also, annoying. I have not come upon a situation fraught with more potential drama since my first Greek restaurant..

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